User feedback is important to the Guide to Available Mathematical
Software project. It helps us to assess user interest, fix problems,
decide what directions in which to take the project, and demonstrate
the usefulness of the system to management.
Some of the types of information which help us include the following.
Information about you, such as the type of institution where you work or
study, as well as your particular job function.
The application area in which you are working.
The type of mathematical problems that you have used GAMS to find software for.
How you learned about GAMS.
Why you use GAMS.
Whether GAMS has saved you time or otherwise advanced the goals of your project.
Your assessment of the ease-of-use of the system.
The response time that you have observed.
Difficulties that you have encountered in using GAMS.
Suggestions for future improvements.
If you have any comments, please deliver them to